One of my fabulous friends has agreed to write a guest blog post for Laila! This is the first of hopefully many guest blog posts to come! Thank you, Michelle, for sharing this with us! Share your story about how Diabetes has had an impact on your life, or the life of a loved one!
My name is Michelle. I am Kaytlyn’s mommy. Kaytlyn is in the same class as Laila. I only knew of the name “Laila” as Kaytlyn was her “buddy” in school and would take her down to the nurse every day to have her blood sugar checked. Kaytlyn knows that when the big hand is on the 7 it is time to go to the nurse. She watches the clock like a hawk. Since then, they have become “buddies”. Ironically enough, they have the exact same birthday too!
Kaytlyn and Laila
Christmas Party, '10 |
It was close to Christmas that I met Joli, Laila’s Mommy. We met at their class Christmas party. I think we had met prior to that, but this is my first real recollection. I remember asking if it would be okay for Laila to come over for a play date one day. Joli seemed really happy, only for me to find out that no one had ever asked to have Laila over before. They didn’t want to learn or have to deal with her diabetes, at least that is what I concluded. So I began asking questions. And I started reading. And before long I felt confident enough to have Laila over. I’ll admit, I was nervous, but Laila wasn’t. She is a smart cookie. She knows more about her diabetes than adults give her credit for. We had a great time with Laila. And with a chart, an equation to follow and a calculator, we were good. She even stayed for dinner!
I felt honored when Joli and Dustin asked if I would look after Laila and Kenadi while they took a “much needed” trip to Las Vegas. I had Laila from Sunday night to Thursday night. And we did great. I fed her breakfast, snacks and dinner. Her sugar levels were fine, and to my surprise giving Laila her insulin corrections didn’t bother me at all. Laila even told me that I did a good job!
Laila is such a wonderful, free-spirited, caring, loving, and FUNNY little girl. Her diabetes is only a small part of her. Laila has a joyous personality and zest for life. Diabetes won’t be holding this girl back. I am so glad I took the time to get to know Laila and her diabetes. Diabetes is not something to be afraid of, it is just something to monitor and correct when needed. I hope more people will take the time to learn so she can have the opportunity to continue being a child, and play, and have fun.
I love Laila like she was my own daughter. I am so grateful to have her in Kaytlyn and my life. She has this smile that you can’t help but smile back at. Thank you, Laila for showing me that you are just like any other child. Sometimes it takes a child to remind us that a “label” isn’t a reason to stop treating them like anyone else.
Love you! xoxo