Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sunday afternoon our family ventured down to Tucson. It's only an hour and a half away, but it was a nice change of scenery and a fun little getaway for all of us. I was nervous, to say the least, about traveling with Laila, but I knew we had each other to lean on. We triple checked her supply list and agreed we were more than prepared, and off we went.
Laila was thrilled to find our hotel had a pool, and surprised to see I brought floaties for her to use so she could swim all by herself! We had lunch in the car on the way there, but life with diabetes is forever a guessing game. She typically eats the same things when we have fast food, but there's always a variable in there-what snacks she had earlier in the day will affect how much she eats, her eyes can be bigger than her stomach! I knew exercise would bring her sugar down, but I also knew I couldn't send her to the pool low, so after getting dressed I had her check her sugar. Here's Laila to tell you all about it!

This is just me in my little bikini!
I was going to the pool with my mommy and my little brother.

I was getting my supplies together to check my sugar before I went into the cold water.

I was cleaning my finger so I can poke it. Then I can wipe it and then I can put it on my meter.

I was wiping it and then I squeezed it to put it on my purple meter.

I'm putting my blood on my meter so I can check my sugar before I go into the cold pool.
I check my sugar because if I'm low or high I'll feel shaky.

I'm pouting because my sugar was 59.
I was too low to go to the pool so I had to get some ice in a cup
and then put my apple juice in it and then drink it with a straw.
Then I shared my straw with my sister.

Oh I was in a floaty so I could go swimming!
The water was really deep so I could not try swimming without the floaty.

I was swimming away from my mommy! I had a lot of fun!
After all the swimming I had a good night's sleep. Thank you for reading my blog!

Laila Bug.


  1. Swim baby swim! Looks like you had fun Laila and you're such a pro at checking your sugars. I love your posts, you're such a wonderful and inspiring girl!

  2. Laila, it looks like you had a great time at the pool! Great post!

  3. Laila,

    I read your whole post AND looked at the pictures and I am fine! Don't be nervous to show me when I get to your house! I am excited to see what you can teach me! xoxoxoox


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