This is a post straight from the mom of a diabetic. There are days I literally can't take it anymore, and on those days, Laila sure finds ways to push my buttons. Today is one of those days.
I'm not quite sure what got into me when I scheduled today's Endocrinology Appointment at 9:00am. At the time, it must have sounded good. At 7:00am when I was forcing myself into the shower, it didn't sound nearly as fun. The drive to the hospital for her visit is nearly an hour, and that's on a good day with little traffic. I had to get myself, my husband, and three children up, dressed, fed, and out the door by 8:00am? Ha, not going to happen. Lucky for me, I had a friend coming over to drop my middle daughter, Kenadi, off at school. That left 4 of us to wrangle out the door, and by God, somehow, we made it on time.
The drive there was uneventful, but as soon as we set foot inside those doors, the devil's spawn let loose. Every visit is the same, the same staff, the same procedure, the same office...the same attitude problem. During the past week I made mention to Laila she would have to stand on a scale to be weighed, stand against a wall to have her height measured, and let them attach a blood-pressure cuff to her arm to check her vitals. She seemed fine with everything up until it was time to perform, then the flood gates opened to let loose the screams and tears. Embarrassing doesn't even begin to cover it. Having your diabetic child scream like you're removing an appendage when you're checking her sugar-something she does numerous times a day- is a little unsettling. My poor husband literally had to pick her up and stand her on the scale all the while she was screaming.
Once the check-in process was over and we met with the doctor, she snapped back to reality and into her normal sweet self. We discussed a pump, and how desperate she is to try one. It would be such a relief to only have to give her a "poke" once every 3 days, versus the 6-8 times a day she's receiving them now. We agreed to set up an appointment for a week from tomorrow to meet with a nurse and doctor, they intend to really get things moving for her. We don't have a set pump in mind, but they do, and they have chosen one they think will work best with her activities and lifestyle. As we were packing our things to leave, she said the two words every child-and adult-dreads hearing: blood work. Even better, the lab was just around the corner.
I sent my husband with Laila to the lab to get things started while I made our appointments for followup. By the time I made it down there, they finished the urine collection and were about to start the actual blood draw. Let me tell you what, I would have rather sand papered a wild cat's rear end than hold her still for that blood work! She kicked, screamed, cried, and clenched her arms shut so tight it took two of us to hold her down. I can't believe it! I apologized profusely, as any mother would, and walked out with a read face and a hand full of tissue.
I tried explaining to Laila in order to use an insulin pump she's going to have a needle put in her skin, about that size, once every 3 days. She didn't care. I told her she was a big girl, she said she wasn't. I promised her everything under the sun, she told me she didn't want me. She wanted daddy. My heart was broken, but my job was complete. Another trip to the Endo-check.

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sunday afternoon our family ventured down to Tucson. It's only an hour and a half away, but it was a nice change of scenery and a fun little getaway for all of us. I was nervous, to say the least, about traveling with Laila, but I knew we had each other to lean on. We triple checked her supply list and agreed we were more than prepared, and off we went.
Laila was thrilled to find our hotel had a pool, and surprised to see I brought floaties for her to use so she could swim all by herself! We had lunch in the car on the way there, but life with diabetes is forever a guessing game. She typically eats the same things when we have fast food, but there's always a variable in there-what snacks she had earlier in the day will affect how much she eats, her eyes can be bigger than her stomach! I knew exercise would bring her sugar down, but I also knew I couldn't send her to the pool low, so after getting dressed I had her check her sugar. Here's Laila to tell you all about it!
After all the swimming I had a good night's sleep. Thank you for reading my blog!
Laila Bug.
Laila was thrilled to find our hotel had a pool, and surprised to see I brought floaties for her to use so she could swim all by herself! We had lunch in the car on the way there, but life with diabetes is forever a guessing game. She typically eats the same things when we have fast food, but there's always a variable in there-what snacks she had earlier in the day will affect how much she eats, her eyes can be bigger than her stomach! I knew exercise would bring her sugar down, but I also knew I couldn't send her to the pool low, so after getting dressed I had her check her sugar. Here's Laila to tell you all about it!
This is just me in my little bikini! I was going to the pool with my mommy and my little brother. |
I was getting my supplies together to check my sugar before I went into the cold water. |
I was cleaning my finger so I can poke it. Then I can wipe it and then I can put it on my meter. |
I was wiping it and then I squeezed it to put it on my purple meter. |
I'm putting my blood on my meter so I can check my sugar before I go into the cold pool. I check my sugar because if I'm low or high I'll feel shaky. |
Oh I was in a floaty so I could go swimming! The water was really deep so I could not try swimming without the floaty. |
I was swimming away from my mommy! I had a lot of fun! |
Laila Bug.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Diabetes Bracelet
When Laila was first diagnosed, the hospital gave her this really obnoxious looking necklace to wear stating "I HAVE DIABETES CHECK MY SUGAR BEFORE TREATING ME". I understand the usefulness of it, however, it was cheap. And tacky. Cheap and tacky don't mesh well with a 5 year old diva, so we had to change that. Lucky for me, she's not such a prima dona that I had to order the expensive bracelet that costs an arm and a leg, though for what it's worth, I'd pay any amount of money. Knowing she has identification on at all times for her diabetes is going to help me rest easier at night and make my days a lot less stressful. Knowing the case of an accident or separation, her diabetes will be identified before anyone treats her or gives her anything to eat or drink is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. As a mother, I want to protect her from everything, all the time, even if I'm not with her. This is a step in the right direciton, it might not seem like I'm protecting her from much by buying her these little bracelets, but these bracelets could save her life one day.
Laila's package arrived in the mail, and she was very excited to open it! We ordered two colors, pink and purple, her favorites. Even though they're a size small, they're so loose on her slender little arms. Really brings me back to reality sometimes how small and fragile she still is. Fragile, maybe, but beautiful. And mine.
Laila's here to tell you a bit about her new bracelets! She's very excited, she even asked we take a few pictures!
<><> >
Thank you for reading my blog!
Love, Laila Bug
Laila's package arrived in the mail, and she was very excited to open it! We ordered two colors, pink and purple, her favorites. Even though they're a size small, they're so loose on her slender little arms. Really brings me back to reality sometimes how small and fragile she still is. Fragile, maybe, but beautiful. And mine.
Laila's here to tell you a bit about her new bracelets! She's very excited, she even asked we take a few pictures!
This is my hot pink bracelet! It says DIABETIC on it. Can you see it? |
See me taking a nap? I was really tired because I went to cheer today after lunch. I had a great lunch. I had McDonalds! |
I wear my purple and pink bracelets every single day. Even at night in bed and in the shower. |
See my purple and hot pink bracelets? My purple one says DIABETIC and my hot pink one says DIABETIC. |
These are my bracelets. They tell you that I have diabetes. These are so you know that you have to check my sugar before you feed me or give me any medicine. |
Thank you for reading my blog!
Love, Laila Bug
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